Minutes 1930-05-21 ~J~ ~ . . ~ Arxoy~ Gr~nd~~ Cq,li~arnia, . . M~y 2Ist, I9~A. City Ceuncil ~not i.n r~gul~,r ae~e~i~n with ~a~yrr, W. A. C~nrad, px~eiding. ~n ro11 ca,11 Csuncilm~n Conra~d~ Parle, Gib~sn ancL Mror~, reperted preeant~ C~uncilm~n ~~rg4n ab;a~nt. ~ TJn~p~rvvad minutee re~.d and ~ppr~v~d ~e xead. aue~timne that cam• up for disoue~i~n were, . th.e water wa~y al ong th~ J~n~e Trac t, tho 4dv~ e4bill ty o~' h4ving th• Bwum~n hou~e a~nn~ct~d wi.th tho S~wer~ th~ paxkin~ alongl~i~~n Stxert nra~r tho TannNre H~~1. All thae~ que+~tione were dieouea~d a,t coneid~rwble .~xtsnt, but ncthing wae dons o~'fic~ally. • N~.further bueihea~ appearing ~nd •n r~~timn th• m~etin~ wa~e ~,d~~uxne.d. B. F. Stovrnrt City ler . ' ~1!''~C~' . r. Dtputy. Atteet, Y , ~a,y~r. . ~