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Minutes 1930-06-04
M.n ~ ~56 ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroy• Grwnde, Calif~rnia,, Juri~ 4th, I93Q. Ci,~y C~uncil m~t in reaular eee~ei.mn with E.M. Mwrgan, actin~ ~ay~r pr~diding. On ra].1 call, Caunailmon M~~gan, Gibe~n a.nd ' Pav~.~rap~rted, pree,ent, ~ay~r C~nrad, ~.nd C~uncilman a~ror~ rep~rted ~basnt. . ~ Una,ppx~v~d minutee aread a~nd a,pprrv~d ad ar~ad, Appllcati~n •f Fveter a,nd K1~i~Gx to ~rcot Sill Baaxde ~n the I~'~.e~nic Pr~p~rty, eaune wae ~~cs~nted, with the underets~ndin~ that they kee~ the pr~mie~e al~a,n. Kepert sf City Clcrk and Treaeuarer read a,nd t'il~d. S Ei11a s~gAinet the Gansral t'und in th~ aum of ~BI6.~9, s~r.d againet th~ water tund in thr eum ~f ~.?79.~C~, ,th~ bi11e w~re allrwed and ords~e.d p4id. ~:re ~a~tt a,ek~d tho Counail tm cut th.~ w11.1rwe, and ~e~de in t'r~nt •f hcr place~ and the G~unoil ~netructad tha Street Supexir~tand~nt t• lssk af'tcr th.~ ~a,mM. ~ In rsga~d to tha c].ean up w~rek, .,;~~t wae ~?rd~xcd tY~~,t the C~uncil would ~ive ~exl the ~upport ~t wae ablt t~. On Mst~~n i~ wae erd~,~ed th~,t ths Superint~endont of Straeta Pi.ll up t'h• ditck~ a~nd remive th~ fwnce pn the orrner ef Bridge strr~t s~nd the ~~~].ey r~r4d. ~~o furth~x~ bueine~e app~aring th• meeting wa~~ a~d~~urn~d. Y ~ / , r~~ ~ ity 1!!X' . Atte~t~ ~ , May~r. ~ ~ i ,I