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Minutes 1930-07-02
, , , ~ 258 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Graade, Caliiornia, ' , ~Tul' S , 1984 ~ , Cit~ Coux~eil met ia re~ular eaagion with ; K. Yor~dn, preeid~ar• ~ i On roll aal~, Ca~ ~t~. ]sne~iuvx ia~, Gibecn and ~toore repoxted ~r~sant, Council~an CcnxP.d and Fcal~, ~k~sent. 'J=,~.~~,r~Y*~c~. r:~nutes rE~e? ar.c? ~,l~~,x;~ti~~~' r~~d• . ~f ~`lM~iMW!'i~~. J%~ ~ Q ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~dt.. ~ Ad w ~y ~ . ua~ty Cl~rk~ ~~~y Txc~asurer, ~?nd POliCe JUd~~ xend~xed xeporte, e~!e ~as e~aaepted and , plaaad on fi1a, Ordina~nae No. 38. An Ordinnncv of th• wity af Arraya Gxande, pxov~,di.n~ ~or th~ abdt•men~ of all kind o~' nui~anaee, invludi,n; th• rsmaval of dirt, rubbish, we~d~ o~ ~rae~, cx rank i=owths, from buildin~e~ or I~o'~~, or ths ~~.de~'nik~ in frant therr,r~f» , Ths Ord~nanoe wae read by tha Cl~r~, and pageed fir~t raadin~ by the follo~?in~ vo~~• Ayee, 1~or~~n, G3.beon 3n~ !~pure, ~oe~, Nons, Abernt, Ccairnd and Foa1~. Pi7.ls ~~ainst the ~~ernl fund ~n th~ eu~ a~ ~6F3b.76, ewd a,~ainet "ths wntax fund i~i tha eum Of ~7'4.96, ~hs bille ~exe all~red and card~xad p~.id. - '~to ~urthQa~ buszna~~ ~,p~~ar~_n,~ ~.nc°_ wz1 rr4t+=G11 ~h~ m~~t in~ Rie ~ud ~ Ourn~d. . ~y ~ : Attfst,~ Mayor.