Minutes 1930-07-18 ~~9 A~rroyo (~randr, Califami~, .Tuly l8th~: 198t~~? . Citp Council m~t at BOolock P...I[. on ~hr ~a~.l of ~h• ~aqo~, with t. A. Courad, ~„a~ror, pr4sidi,ni. On roll call, Counoilmar: Coarad, Poc~1~, Gibron ~and uooru, repartsd, pro~en~, Gounailmaa ltor~~n, aba~mt. ~ ~h• rta~sd th~ obj~at ot th• mrrti~ was to aru~sid~r ~h• proposil~io~ of laa~ia~ ths Cit~ ' prvgsr~y, fc~r oil purpoe~~r. Yr. Clar~na~ 8hiakl~~ , addrr~srd tb~ Co~anail on th• ~ub~ sct at oil . aad af t• r oon~ id ~rabl~e di.eous~ia~d? it waF th• opinioa? o~ ~h• Couxaail ~ thtt th• !ss~?ti~ ~a~ irre~ular, snd th~ I~ayor, 3.natruatid ~hr Citp Clsrt to s~nd out aotia~~ to a1L. ~b• Couiaoilmrn, t~hs~ th~r• would b~ a m~~t~,~,~ oi ~uzaci~ a~iT~~lyda~•~~vaa~r~; ~t . ' 8 Oolook fos ~h• purpo~• vf aomrid~in~ tbr ProPo`it~oa of l~asin; th• CYtr. laads far .tb~ purpo~• of borin~ for oil. ' ' Tb• It4Tm~ d~olar~d ~h• ms~tin~,, ad joura~d. , r ~ t~ rr • At~s~t, ayor. Arroyo ~rand~, Ca~itoraia, July aana,, 1980. City Couacil. mst~ a~ aa11 oP th• Cit~ Clsrlc, rritb Kayor 1P. 1. Coarad, gr~aidinr, On roll call, C~aaillni?a Conr~?d, Pocrle, GiDson, ~up?d I~ovrN r~port~d pr~e~nt, Couaoilman ldor~Aa , abea~t• Ysyor Conra~ et~t~d th• ob~~at oi th• ~a*rtfA6 wa~ _ to aoa-~r3dtrr l~aoian~ th~ ~it~ prop~rty iox tb• purpor• of dril].im~ ivr oil. Att~r a di~arze~ion o~ t~~ propoeition b~ ~h• m~mbsr~ of th• Councii amd t~r. C1ar~~o• 8h~akl~y, it we~r th• opinion oS the msmb~rs of th• Cou~oi7., ixx~ ordNr ~o raf~~ard th• wat~r w~Il~, aad tb• grw~r dirpo~al pla~, it would bs a~a~sear~r to with--hold ~iw acr~• cf lu~d arotand ~aoh oi th~rr impror~mwt~, and on - ~ao~fon~ o~ Yo~~s r~cond~d by Qibroa, i~ ~rar ordsrit that ws l~a~• 3p acr~s o~ land to ~1ar~nas Sh~ck~~y, a~cd tb~ I[~yor wae inrtruot~rd to Nx~cutr a lra~• aaaos-~ din j~y. ~h~r ~totion wa¦ aarri~d by tb• follan~ vot~t A~y~~: Counoilmrn., Coar~d, Poo].~, G~,bsoa and l~oors, ~o~a, Counailm~n-, Aon~. Abs~rr~, Cauno3lnaa, Kor~~n.. ~o furth~r bu~in~s~ app~Arin` and on ~to~1o~ tns m~rt i~ was a~~ ~ur~x~d. _ ~ ~ _ ] ~ . Atli~rr~ ~ .J aTor.