R 2319 lIb IU;SOLU'!'!O/l 110. ~12.._ A RESOLUTION OF 'I'HE CI'l'Y COUNCI L OF 'rJlE CI'l'Y OF ARROYO GRANUE ES'l'ABLISHIIIG A "'!'IIIR'I'Y (30) I1INU'1'E PARKING" ZONE 01/ A POR'!'IOtl OF 'l'IU\I'FIC WAY (146 '1'IU\FJo'IC WAY) ENCOMPASSING A MININUI1 OF FOUH (4) PAJ!KING SPACES WIEREAS, it appears necessary and desiruble to establish u "'1'hirty (30) Minute parking" zone on a portion of 'l'raffic l'lay uS specifically described below: NOI~, 'l'IIEHEFOHR, DE 1'1' RESOLVED by the city Council of tho City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: Thilt a "'l'hirty (30) Minute parking" zone be established on the westerly frontago of 'I'rLlffic way, extending from a point one hundr.ed forty-five feet (145') sOllth of the intersection of the centerlines of Station I~ay and Traffic Way, thence southerly to a point on tho westerly right-or-way line, two hunured sixty reet (260') south of the intersection oJ' the ccnterlinos of Station way and '!'t'aftic II:\y, See Exhibit 1\ BE 1'1' F'UR'l'HER RESOLVED that the Chief of Police of tho C.lty of Arroyo Grande be, and is hereby authorized to provide l1nd install sufficient signs and/or markings to indicate sl1id "~~jrty (30) Minute Parking" Zone. On motion of Counci 1 Member Moots , secomled by Council Menlber smith , ane! on the following roll e~Il vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Smith, Dougall, Olscn and M-"'Iyor />tillis NOR!;: None AnSEN'I': None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th dilY of June, 1\189. ~ ~~s.,. ~.f1k A'J"J'ES'J' : APPROVED AS '10 fOR/>l: 0- ....-... \ '. 116 , \ \ Res~/c/li~n ~31r \ ::s-rfJ.T/ON 'WAY ~ \ , \ \ I --------.;.... J . , I ........ I "- I ....... I "- "- I "- ........ I '" I 1 " " I I I . " I I - ()l , I (0 I I I ........ I ........ '- I "- ........ ........ I ........ ........ ...... ........ I ......... '- I ......... '- t ......... ......' "- I ......... ..... . ......... I t "- I I 'I , I ....... I "- ......... ,I ""'" t ......... '" I "- ....... - . ,I ....... ....... '- ....... ' I I I I ........ ~ ......... I ......... ~ " I " "- , ....... ......... , , ~ I - U1 I ()'I r I ~ I ...... ~