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Minutes 1930-07-22
. . . . . , , Arroya (~ax~dr, C~liiar~ia, July 1$th~ 198L~• Citq Co~anc~l met at S~oloalr P...1t. on th• uall oi ths ~tapor, with f. A. Conrad, ,~aYor, pr4ridi7n~. 4n roll c~ll, Couna~lmaY~ Coarad, Paarl~, G~.b~ron ~ar~d ~(oars, r~pQrted, prosen~, Councilman ~ior~aa, aba~mt. ~ Th~ ~ta~~d th~ ob~~ot ot th• m~rti~ wae~ ~v ac~asid~r ~h• propos~,tion of laaein~ th• CitT ' prop~srty, tcx~r oil purpos~~. ltr. Clarsno~ Shsckl~y, addr~~asd th• Coanoil an th• •ub~~ct o! oil. and aftsx aom?idsrabis dieoussia~ it wa~ tb~ opinio~ or th~ Counail ~ that th~i~~Nti~ ~a~ irreiular, and th~ Mayor, in~truatrd th~ Citp Clsrt to •~ad out no~iai• to a11. th• Co~moi]amsn, t~h~a.t thrr• would b~r a m~~.tip~ ot th• ~unci~ aa~:iT~~i~da~~~~v~ai~;,~t . ~ 8 Ooloek for t?b• purpo~• of aon~idirin~ tbr propooiti!cn of l~a+rir~r tH~ CYt~, lands for .~b• purpori of boria~ for a~i. ~ J The KaJa~ d~alarsd ths m~~ti,n~~; ad~ou~r~~d. , Ci~, ty •r . At~~4t ~ a or. ~ , Y Arroyo ~r~nd~, L`aliforaia, aua~y aa~ad„ x~ao. Citq Counail mst o~ aa11 of th~ CitT Clirr, witn l~a~+or 1F. A. Coarad, grteidiA~, Qn rall call, Covoaailn~~n Coarad, Po~l~, Gibron, aad Moor~ r~portsd prr~~nt, Ccunoilman l~or~ars , ab~sAt. K~?yor Cmnrad ~tatrd th• ob~~at or th~ mrrtim~ wae? _ to cor~$idtr 1~~~in~ the ~it~ propsa~~ for tb• purpoe~ of drillia~ for a3.1. Aftsr a di~au~~~on of ~61~~ propos~tion bT ~h~ ms~b~rr of th~ Council amd Itr. Clar~ncs 8hrakl~y, it was th• opinioa oi tb~ m~mb~rs of th• Couavil, in ord~r to raf~~ard th• wat~r w~ll~, and ths g~w~r di~po~al plaa~, i~t would b~ a~a~searl to wiila-hold fivr acr~• o~ l~nd axo~nd •aah of th~s• i,mprovsmwtr, and on ~ liotion, of Yoo~r• r~ct~nd~d by Qibro~?, it ~rar orcl~ri~ that w~ 1~a~~ SD ac~~s of land ~o Clar~na• Bh~ckl~y, and tb• YayoY wae in~~ruot~d to ~a~out• t 1~t~• acaor- dinsly. ~h~ ltotion wa• carri~d b~ tb~ foll a~in-~ votr Ay~~r: Counailm~n_, Conr~d, Poal~t, Gib~ron aud ltoor~, ~c?~e, Counc~lm~n•, Non~. db~~n~, Counailmaa, Yor~a~n.. No furth~r burinr~r app~~ria~ ~nd on ~~?~icu? tbs m~~~ in~ was ~d~ c~t~xn*d. _ ~ ~ - ~ •r . Atti;ir~t, .J a~or.