Minutes 1930-08-06 ` 26~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Gxwd~, Cali~oraia, ' ~ Au~us~ fith, 1930. ~ , ~City Ccunail m~t in r~~ula'~r e~s~ior~ witb yaqor A, Ca~rid presidin~. ' On roll oull. Covnei.lmra Coarad, pool• and Yooxs, r~poxtMd pr~s~n~, Coumc~lman Gibeon,h~bsrat, Unapprovsd ~i.nut~~ r~ad axud approv~d ae rrad• ~ Cominunicatioae rsad and plaaed o~? til~• , City Clsrk and Traaaux~?r r.~ndsr~d rsport~, ~am,M wsre acc~ptNd aa~d ~l~vrrd--on fil~. Bills a4aiaet th• Qineral ~u~d in th~ •u;? or ~?54.58, and ataiast th• wat~r iund in th~ s~m Qf ~?04» fi 1, thr 5 bi11s w~xe all ~rrd apd ord~r~rd paid. OADI~JINCE 1?a. 39. A~' OADI~AAI~IICE QF THE CITY DF ,~.RQYQ f3RA~~, PRC~VIDI~~i FOR ~E ABAT~NT OF ALL SIFDS t~' ~i~TIISJIH~CEB, ~~CLtmI~(~ T$~ A]~OVAL Ol~' DIRT,RUSS~S$, AEEDB QR QRA3S, QR 'EtA~ QA.OwT$8, FRON BUILDI~IC3S, 0~ LOTB, OA TSE SIDE~ALRB I~ FR0~2 TH~REOF/. Th• Qrd3snncs was r~~d, bq th~ Cl~rr1~ aad on Mo~tioA pa~~id s~vond rsadin; by ths fdllowinr vot~. A~rs, Cvumailm~ri Conrad, ~~i~, Poa,l~, and Moor~, FQOe, Counailmua, Nons, Abee~t, Covr~cilman Qibeon.~ }~1~.'G~ Th• Ordinanc• wae thsn ~d th~?r~ ri~u~d br th• I~a~or a~ad ttt~s~tid bT th• C~,~r1~. Thm Clerk rspOrted ~16a1.99 3~ tb• ::~~ra~sr~:. f~d and ~189a,86 in tb• ~ensra], fuad. ~to Fur~her buaia+sa appNa~tixi~ ~?ad aa? ~ta~ion ths m~rtin~;i wa~ ad jourASd. . ~ , sr . Att~~ ayvr.