Minutes 1930-09-03 :_.T7~ 262 . ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyp t3rtude, ~alitvrnia ~ Ssptmmber Srd, 7~88~. t City Cowna~,l met in rsgular seesiaa witb ~syor ° W. A. Conrad, prssiding. , , ~ On roll call Counvilmen Conrad~ ~oxgan, Poola a~ad ,:~~e~ , Giberoa Y~ported, pr~eent, Couao~lman Yoore, abe~n~• II~appro4ad m~te~r read and approv~d a~ read. H. D. Barton msde appliaa?~1oA for water ~or irrigatioa, ~ no eotiao~ 'Rae t~kea aa~ tbe eubjeat. , ° Repor~a of City Clsrk and Cdty Treaeurer was r~ad, , showing a balance of aaeh in tbo treat~ury ot ~ ~a ~1084.81, in the general fund auad ~the ~um ai 166b.4S, ia the water dopartmont, the reparte . we=e nocepted and plaaed an fii~. Oia Yotion duly secon~ed and carrisd, ths ta z ~ rate w~~ ~ized as ~o~lowe, Ganaral fuad ~1.OQ ~ on oas buadred doilars ot valuat~o~. ~nd Ei~ty aent~ or~ the one htu~dred dollarg of ~ valu~'tlori tor tne aoad fund~. Idotion made and carried that ~bore be a aoncrete ourb bui~t aoros~o the fi11 on bo~h ~ide~ , at t?ae l~hitel~y Street interssatian with ~;rawo~ St~e~~. Ai11s d~ainet the Gensral fuad in tba ~ua~ of , ~C91.~a, wae raad a~lowed and ordored paid, - ~il~• again~t tha wator t'uad in the sum of $a77.4p, wa~ all a?ed and ordored paid. ,~to furthor buein~es app~sring and on ltotioa ~ tha moe~ing was ad~ouraed. yCer, At~.sst~ a or. , Y i ~ ~ r