Minutes 1930-09-17 ~fi3 Arroyo ~rande, Ca~liforn~.a, . , ~eptsmber 1?th, 19aQ. City Counail met in regular seeeion with . ~ ~syor W. A. Coarad, oreeidiag. On roll aall, Couaailmen Cbnrad, Poale and Gik~~on repartad presenti, Cour~ci]~man Norgan and Yocre abaant. Unapproved minutee xead and approved ag read. Aills again~st the general fund in the euopn of ~138.3b, was ello~r~d aad ordarsd paid. No ~urtber bue~,neea appedring and os 3~otion ths maetiag wae ad~ourned. .~il~f Y C e~9c. At t{es t ` r ;