Minutes 1930-10-15 265
Arroyo (~rawnee, Cal~ifora34,
, Oa~obex 15th, 1930.
" City Cou~a31 ffidti ~A regular ~aa~~,on with 3[ayor
A. A• Conrad pxe~iding,
On roll oa11, Cour~ilmen Conrad, PoQls aad G~.beou
reported pree~n~, Cou~ailmmn. l~org~?n and Yoors,a?~~ent.
U,ne~pproved minutee read a.x~d approwd ae raad.
Commumioation~ rea.d aud plaasd on fil~.
ueserd. Johneon ~ad Pierde, appeared befoxe tha
Counai.l with applioatiou for irrigat~on watar, ths
Counc~l entered intd a•round tabl• d iscu~~ion of ~h~aunoil
water si~u~?tion, and on ~'o~i.on it wae ordsred tbat
adjourn to Wadnseday night Ootobsr aand, st 80a].ook
p. and we are so ad ~ o urned.
. '~.....'~""~'i,~"y er . ~
1~ttest, , Ysyor• k
Axrapv Granda, Calii~arnia,
Qotiober a3nd, 1980.
City Cou~~l met pureua.nt to ad~ournman~ with
, ~tayor, W. A. Conrad presiding.
Qn ~oll aall, Councilm~n Conrad, Yorgan, Paolo
Q3beon and l~oore rapoxtmd pree~nti, nons a~eent.
a The ~ayor etatod th• object v~ th~ me~ting wa~
to arrive at a aonalueion ae to ~rh~t t2ae Counoil
~ could do ia rogard to ~ell~ng wa~er for tha graw~ang
ot Av~aados in the City limite.
After a d3~aueeiaai of the mattsr, aad on ~otion of
Yargan ~~ovnded by Kaozs it was orderod that th• City
` ~urni~h to th• Avaaado groware for irrigation at the
xat~ of e~x cente for on~e hund~ed cubia fae~, u~till
~urther ao~iat bg the Counoi],.
No furthar bue~nes~ appsaring an~d on kotivn tbe
mert ing wa~ ad j owcned.
att~~t, , ~,rayor.