Minutes 1930-10-22 265
Arroyo (~r~nee, California, ~
. Do~Ober 16ths 19~0. -
" City Cowlail met in ragular eeagion rrith Ya~yor
A. Conrad presiding,
On roll asll, Cowc~oilm~n Coaxad, PoQl~ and Qib~on
reportsd prasent, Counailmmn;Morgan and Yooro,a'~~ent•
t]~approved minutee re~d nnd approved ae road.
Communicdtione read and plsa~d oA fil~.
L[eear~. Johneon s~nd Pieroe, appearsd befoxa tha
Counvil with applioatiou for irrigstion 'r~a.t~r, th~
Council antered iat~ a~round table~ diecu~~ion o~ th~a~Q~l
water e~tuation, and on Kotion it wae ordsxed that
ad,~ourn to Wsdnseday night ~atobsr ~3nd, at 80alocak
P. and ~re are ao sd ~ o ur~aed. !
~t~ _
. y ar . ~
l~tte~at, , xayor.
~ ~ ,
Arroyo arande, Cal~f~arni.4,
.y~ Qo~ober ~3nd, 19~f0•
City Cou~nil met pu=~uant to ad~ouxnm~nt with
ltayor, W. A. Conrad presidi~,ng.
~ Qn rolx call, Counoilm~n Conrad, Yorgan, Poole
Qibeon and ~toors repoxt~d pree~nt, nona al~aent.
~ Tha ~tyor etated ths objeo'~ of ~he meatiug was
tio axrive ati a oonaluAion ~e to what th~ Co~ci1
- could do i.n regard to eelling watax for tn• grow~ng
Of Ava~ado~ 3n ~he City li,mits.
After a di~au~~ivn o~ the ma~tsr, ~nd on Yotion of
Margaa ~~aonded by ~oarre it wa~ ordered that th~ City
` furn3,eh to the Avacado groware for irxigation at the
xate of cente for onr hundred oubic faot, u~till
furthex a~o~ic» by tha Coumoil.
No further busiaeee app~aring a~d on ldotioA the
meet ir?g wae sd~ ourned.
y C er~
attieeti, , ~~aYor.