Minutes 1930-11-05 :.n,
~~6. ~
Arrvyo Grand~, California, ~
Novamber fith, 1950.
Cit~r Counci~ ~rdt ia r~gular ee~~ian wi.th Webb Naa~re acting
~tayox presidizt.g.
On roll aal]. Couia~~cilmenltorgan, Poole, (~i~eon and Yoore
repax~~d pre~ent, Counoi.laan Conrad, abeent.
tinapproved minutas a~e~ad and approved ae xaad.
Bill~ agai.net the General Fund 3n the eum af~fib$. 06 wae
allawed and axd~xed paid. end agai.n~t the ~ater fi,ID,d in the ~um
~949.~b wae all ~?od and ordered paid.
P~~oxt~ of ~officers read axnd erdered ~iled•
xotion made snd varried to ~allow C. E. uoahar to au~ down tha
~idew~.lk ia front of hie garage, to al,law care ta pa~s in to th•
ga~ol~.na pumpe?.
Qn Notion it wa~ orderad to put in a metex at the Zalinka hom~.
Urn ltotion it wa~ ordered that tbe Street Ccuamitt~o order the down
~pout removed ~rom the Cleaver bu3lding.
Om motian it rrag ordd xad that the City Clerk not ify proparty
awn~re tbat board or defectiv~ side~?alke have aauee trvo m3nor
aacidente, and that property ownexe will be held re~pvneibla
for euch ~aaidents.
Chz motian it wa~ ordexed that City Glerk bui~d a~ire houes
to bou~a the fire truak.
No furthar bueinmae appaaring and on Motion th~ mee~x~g
wa?e ad j o ura ed.
` - ity erk•
Atteet, ~ ~ , ~ayor«