Minutes 1930-12-05 4r~ Y ~ •~IY~ ~ ~ ' ~ Arraya Greu~da, CaliPorAia, Deoember 6th, 1980. City Counoil met in regLflar ees~ian rrith ' ' J. A, ltoare actiug ~..~dyor preaidiag. '~n roll asll, Cqua~a3lmen Mvrgerr., Poola, Gib~on a~t~d uaore raported preeent, Counailman Conxad, ab~ont. "tTnapproved m~.nutee read and gpptoved as read. C~mmuniaati.an from t,he Talephone Compeny w~,~h e re~und for over pa3d saoount~. Peport of Citp Pavorder w3t2a fine~ in thm eum of ~a7.6Q, tha xeport wae orderad til.d. An ~sotion it was ordered the~t the ~rets~ tc be aharged tha ~vacado arowers, be 60°,~ mora th nn, t~a satual aoet of purcping pOwer. ' Np furtbar bueine~v a PP~ari,ng and an ~o'~ ~on tb~ mee:ting was ad~owcned. - ~ . . , , L'~,.~'" ~ _ ~ C ty erk. • A t~.e s t, I/~".~ ~~-~ay o r. Y r