Minutes 1930-12-17 2'~1
Arroyo Graude, California,
• Deaa~nber ~7th, 1930
City Council met in xagular ~a~sian with
J. W~bb ~[ooxe prs~iding.
On roll aa11 Couno~.lmen Poole, Gi,beon and I[oore
repoxted ~re~ent, Co~?ailmen Coarad and Morgan
were repoxted ab~ent
Uasppro~ed minutee read and spproved as read.
Aille agninat the ~aneral fuad ia the ~um of ~fi88.64
rre~e allowed and ord.ered paid.
l~eesxe. Pru~e~e and Steale, e Cominitten fxom ths
Chanti.cleer club, aomp~ls~.ned to the Coi.moil that
flr~ad wsgoe irom 8anta Yarid and other plaoee w~re
bxinging bakary products fram othar ritia~, and r?~re
no~ paying a City Lia~n~e, snd asked tha ryouna~l to
i.mpoea 'a livea~e on~ all truok~ bringing their '
produat~ into~ ths City.
_ the City Clerk
The Counoil ~netruate~to take th~ m~tter of liaaneia$
~ruoka and a copy_of our pusinees liceage, tb ~ r.
Fit~gerald, our Attnrney and try and woxk out a
~alution o~ the matter. '
Na furthex bueins~e appsari~ euad ox, l~otirm
ths meeting w~?e ad~vurAad. '
ty sr .
Atte ~ayor.
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