Minutes 1931-01-07 .~~a 2'~2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Cal~.foxn~.a, .Ianla,axy '7 t~, 1 a31,. City rounail auet ~.n regular eeeeion with l~ayor W A. Conrad preeidi.ng. ~d ~ ~ On xall ~all Councilman Conrad, Poole, G~beon xeported pregent, Counailmem Yorgdn and I~oora, a?b~ent. Unapproved mi.x~ute~ read and approved ae read. Cc~mmunivation trom City Attorney~N. A. Fitz~erald exp•1a3n3ng the provis~one af Ox~dinance Dto.4Q, wa~ read and' plaaed oa iile. The monthlq report of the ~ty Clerk and City Treae~rex wae xead ~hawi.r~g a balanea of aaah ~n th~ C~eneral fund of ~885.48, and the ~ater fund in, tbe ~um of ~981.p$, the~ repOrt~ pere aaaepted and placed on ~ile. P~,].le a~ainet tha r•eneral fund 3n the eum of ~ ~837.18, and the water ~wad i~ tha eum of ~18fi.fi1 tha bill$ were allo~?ed and ordered paid. ORDINANCE No. 40, AN ORDI~ANCE AkEADIBG ~RDI~ANC~ NO / 21, BY A~DIg G A pEW SLCTION TFI~RETO, f;E$TAPI~ISH IDiG, FZZI~d AND IIfPOSING A YVNICIPAL LICEI~SE ON ~IHQLEBALE PEDIILERB. wne read and. pa~e.d firot readin~ by t}ae fal~ow~ng vote, Aqee, Cou~v3lmsn Co,nrad, Poole and Gibson, Noes, Couneilmen none, Abeent, Cour~c~.lmefl ldC~rgarl and Ito are . Na further busiaese eppear~,ng, ~nd on b'at~,cn the meeting wa~ ad~ournad. -~l' y axk. Att~eet, 7~~~~ Ma or. ~ .T,,.,~--.~.~ ~ Y r