Minutes 1931-02-18 . Axroyo Grau~de, Californ~a,
~rebruary 18th, 1931.
City Couna~l mst ia r~gular ao~~ion witb J.
~oore, ao~i.ng ~ayor ~r~~~ding.
On roll ca11, Counoilmeu PoQla, Gibson a~sd Ko4re,
rsported proeent, Cournailmen Conrad snd Yprgan, abeent.
. ii}~approved minut~e ~wad and approv~d ns raad.
' Comm~aicnt 3ons fraan tho Lmagus of Ca].ifora~a Yuni-
aipaliti~~ ralating to bill~ now be~ore ~bs Aeeimbly
were r edd and pl~aed on tile. .
Ths Truat~ss ~f the Cem~tary A~aoci~tiar?, appear~d
be~ore th~ Co~;u~ai].to 3.nquira ae to water ratae to
apply to thie ~emetery, the Clerk wag i.n~truoted to
. prepare an. estimate o~ ooet~, an~, hand in a r~part at th•
x~sxt rogular me~Cing a~ ths Council. .
Qn 3[otfon duly eeaonded end c~rried, it wma ordexed
~o Hane th~ ~irr houso ~ar~d sir~n oonn~ated with the
Tmlephone offiaa.
, A F~~~1ut~,c~n waa pre~entsd b~r Counailman l~ocrer
3ealaring ~~n~an Strest, d Boulevard, and tho C~,erk ~
~.netru~ted to hava stoF a3gne pldoed at Poale and
Nelecn Stxeet, aleo s~top eig~n ~o be pla.:~d at
j uno ~~on ~~:,ta~ a.i ~treet w~ ~11~~i > ~ re~
No furthrr ~ bue ins~e ~ppia~tdg~ snd oa ~fotion
~h• mo~~ing wa~ a~d~ourri~d.
y rrk.
Attaet, W w'~ ~ , Yayor,
~ ~