Minutes 1931-04-01 I ~ ~ , ~ ~~O ~ ~ h'~rny~ Gx~ndr, Cal~~`arnia, , Apr~.: l~r'~, 19~1, " City Counctil m~t in xegular rrrrioa Ri~h j J. Yaara aating Mayor pr~~idiag. • ~ ~k ~n ro11 aall Counailm~n ~[organ, Paolr, Gibron and ltooxe r~~rort~d, pris~at, Couaail~w?n Conr~d, ab~rnt. tlnapprov~d aninut~s r~ad and appYOv~d a~ rsad. , ICr. Ha~rkiar a~k~d ~or a vacatioa whi.oh war grant~d, and Mr. E~ring r?~e rrc~~ndsd to tak~ hi~s plaa• whil• he ~va~• tway. Co~mu~niaat3on from th• Avacado axow~rs, Au~ditor rtating that th~r• ~ra¦ •ufFioi~nt fund~ to p~y abaut 40 ~ of ~h• outrtanding indrbt~dn~rr, it war ord~xfd tha~ wr aaa~pt th~rir plan. '~sFprt¦ of Poliae Judg~, City Tr~aiur~r and City Clrrk r~ad and_plaasd an fils. Oa l~ot~a~ it wa~? drd~r~d thati ~h• City ~mploy a D~puty Clexk for fowc ldomth• at a ralary of ~~;5,00 p~ r mont h. Hi~.1r agalaNt th~ r~nsral fuad in th~ •um of .~888.67 and th• watrr Tfund ia th• sLm? o! ~ 341.00 th• bill~ wsr• all ~r~d and o~dfrrd paid. ~ Na furthax bu~inras app~ar~,ng and on ~tion th~ . m~sting wa~ ad~ou.rnsd. , ~ y . Atti~st, MayOr. ,