Minutes 1931-04-15 2'79
Ar xoyo Grand Californ ia,,
April 16th, 1931«
City Cauaail m~t 3n x~gular ~r~~s~,on rrit~h ~
E. ~oxgaa aot3ng Wayor pr~si.ding.
Unappx~v~d minut~s rszd and approv~d as r~ad.
A communicat3on Prom tht Harminy Vall~y
Cr~am~xy Company, a~rking tb• Counail to oana~l
th~ir lic~rrs~, as thry ws~rs a ao-op~rrativ~ Co.
~~xd, draling dirsatly with ~h• Dairym~rx:, and did
not thiak th~y ought to pay a liou~r~, th~
Gawnail in di~ousring th~ ma~t~r, d~oidrd not to
gxant th~ x~4u~~t of th~ Company.
On 1dot~oa i~t war ord~~d to hav• ~h• Chi~f of
Polic• to rtop th• bab~t ot tih~ ~oyr of thw ~onn
• in a au~ i.n g~h ~ ir ~ar• to btokiix~ and t~auit
annor~no• to thr p~opJ.• o! th• Tow~i•
. . . . ,
I~Cr_ Yotion 3t war ~d~r~d that th• Cl~rk tak•
up th~ mattNr of ~r• rioairing aP thr jail wi.~h
Sup~rvi~sor Port~r. •
No furth~r bu~inrs• r?pp~arix~g and on ~taticiu
th• ms~t3ag was adjournid.
• C ty •r ,
Att~~t, VV~fiv~D . ltayor.