Minutes 1931-05-06 ; ~C~o ' , f~ ~ , ~ xrroyo Grando, California, " ~tay 6~ , 19a1' « ~ ~ City Counoil met irr rs~ular esseian with, ~ J. X• Koare, sotimg ltayor, prs~idin6. ~ ~h roll onll, Counv~lmen lto#gaa, Poala dibson , and ltQ~re rsportsd preren~, C~Dmoilmap Coarad abs a~~;~ Vnapprov~d minutes road an~d appro~ed e,s read. ~ Report~ ot ~he Citq Clerk and City Treae?urer, read showiamg a oash balance ~a tha Treaeury of ~a60. The 8eoretnry o! the ~ater D~p~. ~tio~s a Qn~h balano~ fn tbe Trsasury oi ~81~.6~, Po1ic• Judg• raports Z fiae• collevted to~al~i~?g . ~48.00, The reports wsre ~oepted and pla~ced on fil~. Kr. and Vre. F. Jones, app~a=sd bsiors th• aotnvil, and a~ked to have steps tal~en to buiid et stwbway un~der the Btats a~~way ror ues, of the ~irammar School Ch ildrsn. , Couaoiimaa J. S. Qib~on was a poin~ted a oommit~es of ons, to iaterview 8'~ate lCag~~ayr aibsoa, as~the proper metxiod ot proaeedur~. 1~o tu,rther busiae~~ appeazimm~ aad om xotiv~, the m~st~rg wae ad~ouramel. ~ ~ r ~ ' mr . /kttesti ayor. ~