Minutes 1931-05-20 ~ ~8l
. l~rrc~ro Greada, Calitorais, ~
l~ap a0~h, 19~1.
~Citq Council met in rrgular sseria~n with
Kayor A. Co nrad prssidiag,
On r.oil aall Oounvilmen , Conra~d, Poale, aib~~ and
Yoarre rsportmd presvnt, Councilman Morgan, $beeat.
Lhidpproved tr.inutae read sad approved as rsad•
Rilie ag~inst the ~er?arai fu~c! in the aum of
(S0~ xb~rty do],lare, was allo~r.d sncl ordsr8d pa3d.
~ Ca~amwaia4t ioa from the County Clert ragarding
ths braaah Cvunty '~ail, on 1(otiva ~.t was atdered
that wa accept the propaie i~ ion oi the County and
pr~sant a regni~ar biil for the one hundred dollars.
~ounailman c3lbsan a~ a Cpmmittsa of oae to
iatarview 8tate gighway offioe, rmpor~ed hewae
unabla gat a iaterriew with the ~tat,o Aig~wa~r
esgiAaer, but eapectsd to do ro so+a~q. G*ovioa~tlman
(#3bs'on was a1~o appointed to ase ~g~;a~ea?r`°dtbeon
a~bout water for highway Qonotructioa.
, Jaak Shaaffioa appe~.re3 be#ore the Caunvil, aad
.~gsked if the Citq would eell propexty oa rh ioh
~ the Q~d well was loasted, and it eo would .Coua~il
give h im a priae, or woel7.d thep lea~a sam~.
1tr. Monrow, l~viag in eastsra p~rt o! Citq
aeked to have water msin eztsndes~ to that 7.oCalitp.
Wr. ~a~lcine wse~ asted to get di~taaose dnd oo~t to
lay pips tio Xaha plaoe. '
+ Mrs Clea~r~r aeked ~o have ~ixeon lins •atended
' to her property. ~
Jamee 4rmaa wanted gras. burnt along hie fenoe
lix?e, oa Motion it' was ordared .thd~ it bm doaei aleo
that graee be cleand up on City proparty on Croern ~t..~
~uperinte~eat I~,a:~rl~~ar, stated that he was pumpi~g
night and day, and was afraid bs would be unabis bo
k.op up tba erupply, u:xlese he oou~].d inetal~ ms~ers.
Counail waw of the opinion that m•tsrs ~hau~.d bs
purohaeed, and etated th~ matter wouid be takan up
on ~h. re~urn ot tb~ Ciert.
~a turther bueiaeea appesd,ag, sad on Yotion ~
th e mee~t in~g was ad 3 ournmd .
Alet te Baldwi~a
spu y er .
' Attest, Kayor.