Minutes 1931-06-03 ~ ~ 282 . ~ ~ J Arroyo c~read Csl itornia, ~ , - J~ano 3rd, 1931. ' Qity Counoil m.t ia ragular ~er~ion with T. A. Conr~?ci Yayor, pra~idiag, . . On roil call, Ca~ ilmen, Conrad, Yorgsa, Poo1e, Gibsos and ltaors, reporx~d, present, aone absent. Unappxoved monutse read a~d approved as read. Co~mua iadtdonr read and placed on tile . ~ ' Pills a~eiast fi~hs ~ilner'1 fta~d, ia tha eum ot ~9~~.$3 we~~ all~rsd and ordered psid, n~nd the ~eter fta~ad in tbe sum ot ~77$.81 theq wera aleo ordered paid. dn Yot iaa~ it was ordered that . we purahaee 10 '~mpire wat~rr mstsr~. Tha follar?f~ng Rmsolutiond wae paesed, A~ER~A~, certain pisvee of propmr~y asmely, Lote '7 amd 8, in bloak fi, ase growx~ up with gxas~ and w~ede, ~+hich ie con~rsry to Ord3,~ajnco ~o. ~9. ~ T~IAR~FQRE AL II? RESOLVE~1. That the 8tr~et Super~- 3n~tsnd~t have the amme ~p=bp~;~y posted with no~ice~r, accrording ta Ordim~nae Ro, $9, The Rssolut ioa was paeeed by the iollowing vot~, Ayms, Co~mc:ilm~ Conrad, xorge~n, Poole, Aibeoa e~nd Yoore, xoa.,~ ~oa~, A13~ent, l~oa~. ' No further bue3nase- appearin~ ead .~u l~ot ina, the mee ~t 3ng wae ad ~ our~aed. . ~ ~ ~ ~ , p 02` . _ dttes , ?ayor.