Minutes 1931-06-17 ~ . 283
xrroya Grayade, Califorz~3a,
Juna 1?th, 1931.
Citp Covnoil met ia regular sdes ion with xayor
w. A. Coarad pre s id i,~g.
Oa roll call,, Connoi~msn Comrad, Paale, ~i~oa .end
koore reported preeent, Counoilman ~orgna, abseat.
tlndpproPed min~tes read and approved ae read.
Cn~m~waiost3ona fram the 8ta~a Poard of ~ealth, witb
a bavterioivgiaal~ examination of the Ci~C~? water, ead
a oommunicstian trc~a the A~uta Club vf 8outh~rn Ca].ifor~aia
with a pacopaait~on ,to eiga post the C~ty, ths vomm,s
w~re p],soed on fil~, •
In regard to th• applioati~ n of Yrs Aai].y of Fs3r .
Qeks, 3ar wstei, the Cierk wae inetructed to adrrise Itr~r.
~~ailq tha~~ the water lina on that stroet wae pri.~ately
owned, but the Citp would b• glad to sugply her with wtter.
]~i11e aga3n~t thm ryeaeral lund ia the rum of ~71.1~
to cAver Compe~~eatioa Iasurayma• wae dilo~r~ed end orderod paid.
Qa Mot~.on it war ordsrsd thdt the Ci~~r acmvey~ a d~ed
to ~he 8tste o! Cal~foraia, for a right ot wr~' th=ot~gh
City property on the Lowe Tract, fcr th~ ~um of on~ dollar.
A„eeoluti.on numbered84, autt~ori~ing the ssecution
oi d deed by tne Ci~y of Arroyo aramd• coa'sying to ~he
etato of Cal~fornia, a ri~t ot way tor road purposee,
of certsin lands owned by• tLs~ Citr. .
Th~ resvltat ipn was psared bY the talxvwiag vo~~.
~qres, Couaoilmea, Conr~d, Poale, 131beon and ~oor~r,
- . Noee, Goea~oilmen, Aoae,
At~eent, Covnoi~ma~ ~orgai,a. •
Ths Ci~y Clerk was grnated two wmek~ v~oa.tion.
No iurther bu~iaess appedring and oa uotioa the
meet in g wae ad j ourned.
~ er .
Attes ar. .