Minutes 1931-08-05 1 k r.~rV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~rroyo arand e Cal ifornia, . j $n~~t 5~~ ~ ~8$1~ City Couaoi~ met iri regula~r see~ion with Yayor W. A. Coarad, prrridiug. Qa ro~l oe~ll Cavaiailman ~bnrad, Poo3,e snd Koor~. re~port.d pras.nt, CounviL~neu Yorgan ead Qibson, abseat. Usappro~rod miriutsr rsnd and app=oved as read. Ccmmunioatione rsad and plao~d cm li~i. City ~1erk re,ndered finanoial atat.a~~aat s ot city aad watsr d~partmeat, for lisoal year rading Apr31 SOtri, 1851 City Clarg and Traaaurer rea~d,ered ~[ontbly etat.mo~t ot t37a~ao~r of City sad r~r~ter ~spt. showir~6 a aaeh balanve i,a th~ c3eaeral fru~d of ~~$0. 8S, aaqd ~h~ wa~mr ~spt, or #a.aio. Ffi t~he repvste wsre pl.doed on ~ils. Billa sgain~t ths r~neral tt~ad ,in tb~ sun of ~804.41 and the watar fi~ad ~ tho ~u~ ot. ~4a8.94f, the bi11e wers al,low~d sru! ordered. pa . ~ ~ C~~ , ~,,e~L y er At~~st ltayor. Arroyo drar~de,a~.alilornia, August 1G th, 1931. City Counoil mot..,nt TO :~O~loak- JI•Y. ~?a a Board of Equaliz~,tion, wi~h „ayor /l. Caurad, Preeid3ag. On Roll o~ll Counoilm~, Gcu~rad, Poole ~Ad Yorgan repvrted preeent, Conncilmen Qib~o~n aad YooreA abr~r~,t'. The dounoilm~n prooeed~d to s~camirns ~h• A~~~same~ Aoll, for the ysar ~931 a,nd 19Sa.~ ~ sad J. A.. Heinrioh, qu behalf of Ya~onio yadgs, mads ~pliaatioa tor a redua~3ou ia th~ir * ~e,eea~stid vslv~t ioa, and atter a compe~rieon or ~he vale~- . ~~,oa~ af ad~oining prvperty th~ y wi~hdrew their applioa,tiom E. H. goa~aer, al~ao mad~ a~plivnt ioa~ tvr tes reduurt ioa, a~ad after an ~zaml.na~i.on of other propertiee, he wi~hdrsw hi~s appliostiaa~. l0v turther bur~near appsaring aad a~ Yotion the meeting wae ad~ouraed, to Aug~at 19tb, at th• olo~ss of the rsgular msetiag of tbe Counoil. ~ y ar . ~tt MayOr.