Minutes 1931-08-10 ~
~ ~
~ Arroyo Qrand e cal iforni~,
~~tguet 5th, 1987,•
City Coun~13 ms.~ in regular aeseioa with Yaqor A.
Coarad, praaidi.ng.
On ro~l oall Cauncilmea Gt~nra~d, Poo~,e ~nd 1~oor~. r~por~~d
preesati, Counailm~ xorgaa aud aibson, abssat.
Uaapprov~ed minu~e~ read and approved ae read.
Cammuniaati.oae read aad plaamd aaa fi~s.
City ~1erk r~adered linarioial state~?aat s of Qi~p ax?d
water depertmea~, for lieoal year a~diag April SOth, 1951
Citp Clerk and Tr~asurer ~ende~d ~tonthly statsmoi~t of
tinances of City and water ~ept. showin~ a aasb balaaQS 3~
~ti• Gea~ral tund vf ~Satl. 85, a~qd tbe water ~epti, ~i #131~. BB
the raporte were plaoed on li1s.
Aills againe~t the r~aeral tt~uad , ia th~ ewn of ~804.41 and
the wat~r find ~ th• ~u0aa oL ~4a8.98, the bi11r wert sl~vwrd
and orderod pa . ~
y e~
d.t~~st ~ ltayor.
Arro'o Qa~axxde,a,.ali~oraia,
August 10 ~h, 1981.
Ci~y Cotimc3~, mrt.~at 3.0 •OcToak" A.Y. as a Board of
~qualizatica~, with „ayo~ A. A. Qoura?d, pree~ud3ng.
0~, Roil oa~l Counvii~~m, Coa~rad, Poole and Yorgau
reported prsesnt, Conncilmen t3lbso~ aad I~ooreA abrartt'.
Ths ffouAOilm~n prooe~+d~d to s~camin~ th• Ae~~e~mar~
Ao11, ior the yea~r 1931 a.nd 1933..
C, d, ~~on and J. R. H.inrioh, ax~ b~rhalf of txti•
Ya~onia Lodgs, mads ~iplloat ioa tor a reduat ior~ in ~h~ ir r
a~ss~s~?-sd va~,uation, ~n~d atter a oomparison of ths vale~- •
aetion~ af ad~o~atng property th~ y withdr~w tbeir applivatiom
L• H. Horner, al~o ma?~s applieatia~? for tan rsduc~ioa,
a,ad atter sn .zamination of a~her properties, he witbdr~w
hi~,r appiioatian.
10o further businea~ appearing a~ad an Yotion ~hs
meating wae ad~ourned, to August 19th, at th~ clore of
tho rsgula,r m~ating of the Couaoil.
ktt 1.~~ Mayor. Y or .