Minutes 1931-09-02 ° ~"1 ,
2$S ~
krroyo araade, Caliiornia.
, September ar~d, 19~1.
Ci~p Co~aail met in regular ~es~ia~ with 1~syor,
A. d. C~rad, preeid3ag. ~ . .
On roll tt11 Counail~en Conrad, Yorgau~, Poo~~
Gibson aad ~oore reported, present, l~on• abeent.
Unapprolrod ~inute~ read a~nd approvrd ~s read.
Co~mun3ca~iaais r•ad and appro~?ed a~ re~d. ~
' Ri11~ a gain~t th~ r,~n~ral tund 3n tha ~um ,oi ~
~~38.37, and ths watar t'u~~ in the sum ,of ~835.08
'the billr Rere allowed and ordaxsd psid.
W. Hl~wk ia~ Buperititendent of Str~~te aad wdt~r
tamder~d bia reeigna~tiem,, on aooonnt, oi ill heslth,
1~r. ~awkinr resi~nation was daa~pted.
Th~ City C1erk read iour dpplioe~tions _for the positian
and aft~r two ballots had beem• ~a.lcen, A. E. Ew~g wae
dealsred elevted to th• poei~ia~.
O~n koti.on of Itocr~ 8eoond~d by ~or~an, the ~alary ot
of thr Sup•rintaxidsnt of wnt+er eund of Btreste, Rae fiaad
at ~1a5.0~ per montb. and the dty le?borers wer~ fiaired e,t
~ 40 pe r day.
On 11ot1oa it wae orderad that ur. Hawkiue r~~igaat ivA
tal~e~ ~f~~ct eny time b~tween no~r aad Octob~r 1et, sub~ea~
to ~gree~ent betwean l~r. I~awki.n~ and ~r. Lwing»
l~o furth~r bueine~s appearing and on uo~ioaa th•
meatia~r~ wa~ sd~ouraed•
. ~ -
y er .
Att 1r~yor.
' Arr+~oCir~nde, paliforaia,
g~ptfmbar 3nd, 19$l.
C~ty Couuail mrt pureuant to ad3o~x~ama~n~ a~e a~osrd o!
Equal3zatiau, with „ayor ~f. A. Cao~rad, prsridi~.
~n 'P.oll ca~l e~ll m~embsre~ of ths Couaai]. rspor~rd,prM~~at.
Th~ City Clerk a~portad tbat ~h~re were ao complaint•
~i1sd, snd af~er an •zamination oS th• Ase~e~meat Aoll,
' the tdx rdte wa~r tia~ed the ssme ae ldet, qsar, ~1.80, oa
tha on~ ~undred ddllar~ of ~Ilua~~3oa.
~o ~a,rther b~,i~se~ appearing and on ~o~icn the m~~~ing
was ad~ovrn~d.
y erk.
ICtter ~ ayor.