Minutes 1931-11-04 ~ 292 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~rroyo c~rw~de, Qalifornia, Noeembsr 4th, 198~. City Coim.cil met ia regular se~r~on with ltayor 1P. A. Gozarad pr~iiding. On roll aall~ Cvuncilman Co3~ad,, Poo~.s, Gibson iu~d MAO~re report~d pre~snt, Counvilma~r~ ltorgan, a.b~~mt. ~ Unapproved miautes read and approved a~ read. Com~munioatioas read and plaaad on file, Report of Citq Clerk a.nd Trea~ursr reatd •how~g a varh balaiaas in the treasury, Genersl.fund ot, ~663.48, affi the water fund o~ ~`~99.43, the repo~t• were aaaept~ at~d plao~d on tile. ~ - - X~rrante agaimrt the Genaral tua~cii the rum of ~63Q.88 a~d the wate.r fwad, ~arrante, ~~48. fi6 axdl Inte~rrs~, 16?6.OQ to~a1,; ~31a3. SS, th• warrants wer• alrow~d and ~rd~red paid. Tn the mattsr of the oontrao~ in th~ bea~th uni~, it wa~ vrdrred tbst th~ City Glerk wri~• the Leagua of Yur~ioipalit ir• and get an opiaiaa~ w°hether th~ ~ealth oiPiaer had to be a phy~ivian or not. ~ Kenne~h ~eak pre~~ated a 1l~ap of the ~ubdi~?irios " Traat No. 1Q,, for appro~al ot' the Cota?cil, said Traot beiag with3n three milr~ of ths ~i~y. pu Yotion by Poo~.e seoozt~Psd by G4ib~roo,. thi Traot wer appror?ed, and si~ned by tAe ~[ayor, aitd atte~rtsd b' the Clmrk. I~o ~urther bu~iaeer appearing and on 1~ot ia~ tibe ~rse t#~ing waa ad~vt,ir~ed. , y rr . At t ~~-f. tyor. - - - -