Minutes 1931-11-19 293 : A'rroyo Qraade, Cali.ioraia, ~'ovanber 18'Ch, 1931. , City Co~noil mat ia~regular r~ssivn with Nayor X. A. Conrad pre~id3ang. On Esai call Couuoi.]mea Conrad,, Povle, t~ibsoa ,and ~oore reportad, prr~ent, Counoilmaa ~torgar~ abe~nt. ~ Lhiapproved minute~ read and approved ae reacl, Com~taa~ iQat ione rsad aad placed on f il.. On Motiox~ it was orde;sd that th~ City C],erk gst b~d• on the ahanga in the eleetxi,a wirin~ ~yetem. l~o turther burins~s appearing and on Kotio~ the meeting wa~ ad~ournsd. ~ , , yCer. Atteet,~~~ ~rc-Mapor.