Minutes 1932-01-20 :i.J'I ; 29$ ~ ~ ~ 1~rroyo Grande, Cdlifornia, • January adth, 18~3. . City Counvil met in regular eseeiom with W. A. Conrad 1lsyor prseiding; ~ On roll oa11,.Counailm~n Ca~rad, PoQler Gibeon and koore reparted, pre~ent, Counailman ~iorgan, abeen~. ~A oommuaiaat iaa wse reaeivad trom P. E« Shart, making a prvpo~ition to buy t~.tte~en teet of laind o~n Neleon 8treet, bei~?g a part ot Lot~ 8--9, and 10, in Rlook l, ~o r the ~um of l3fty dollare, ldr. Short will aleo g~.v~ the ~City a deod ot the ~ prop~rty known s~ the alley and ra~.esvoix eit~, tbis ~dsed ie to quiet title to th~ ~raid prvperty. t7napprovsd minute~ zer~d Rnd approvad a~ xead. Ou kotinn it wae ordered that the City aoospt ths o~'fer of I~r. •8hort. Rille again~b the generai lund 3n the gum of ~48.a8, and thr w~t~r fund iz~ th~ sum o~ ~SS.60 wsre preeentrd, tho bilie were dppraved s,nd ordered pa?id. OrdinRnae 100. ~1, An 4rdinance o~ the C.ity o! Arroyo ~Grande, praviding far the nu~berit~??g oi houeree bui~ding~ aad lote ironting . on Streate, and other Publio Thoroughfares, ~aa the 'City • of Arroyo are~de, Calitoxaia, and providing psne,ltiee for vdolatione thereof. The Ordinanc~e wae read ~by the Clerk e~nd pae~ed seo~Ind readiag, by thr ~ollo~?ing voter Aye~; Courrailm~n Conrad, Pools, Gibsan arid ]~ovrr, Noe~, none, absent Morgan. The Ordinrince wae eigned by the uayor and ntte~ted bp ths City Clox=. Qr~ kotion by 1[ao•re and eeaondad by Pool~, it wa~e ~qtaa~ati~ vr3er~d thst the C3ty dieoemtinue th~ agre~msnt with th~ Coun~p, ~her~by the City wae paqing to tha Countp th• ~um of Twegty~-~ive dollare per month, for mem?~srehip ~ 3n th• County ~edlth un~t. On ltot foan o~ ~oare s~aax~ded by Poole it wde orderrd that the City employ a g~slth Officer, dnd the salary was fiasd at ~6.00 pe+r ~Aa~th, end tbe C~lerk w~s 3,~etruated to find eome ane thrat would tske th• office, and xmpart at the naxt m.~ting. No turthe~ bu~3neee a?ppeering and oa Not~.~m the mesting wne ad~ourned. y sr . Att~~t, , M~yar,.