Minutes 1932-02-03 r ~ Ar=opa arande, ~8lifor~ia, q - Februa~? $rd, ].953. , ~ 1 City Cv~ail met in rsgul~r eeee3,dn with E. l~• Norgan act ~g liaqor pr~eidiAg. On ro3,1 ca11 CounQilman Yorgan, Poole ~,nd (~ibeoa, reported preeeat, Wayor Conrad, ~~nd.~u~ Councilmar? Hoore, abeent:. ihlapproved minute~e read and approvad as read.. Dr. Allan F. Qilli~an Couatq bealfi~a pfiiaer, on tbe ~ub~~ot o~ the Countp H~altb unit, and pre~ent~d a aon~ractof tb• Fonrd of Supervi~ors . for the ~;3ty to enter the Healtb unit, for n aoneideration o! oae d~llar d qea:r. AYter a dieaueeiam ot th• ~uta~eat and on 3~otion a~? Gibeon ~eaonded by Poo].• th• cor~trao~ was nocopted;xaax . and w~~ ~ign~d by the ~?dyor and stt~sted by th~ Clsrk of tbe Citq. A report.o! the ritp Clerk City Trea~urer aad ~he police ,TUdg~, wa~ preeente3 8nd redd by the Clerk end on ~'ot i.on eems wdg avneptNd. - ~ The follariug bi~l~ nge.i.net trie G~nsacal ~uad and . the w~tar fund wes accepted a.nd ordered paid. . . ~'h~ Q~tY»ral tund in ths eum af~6 S4. ~l aind th~ wst er fuad in th i eum of , ~ Sa 8, 08 . ~ ~ Ordiaanee 1~0.44 pertsiAiag to tha tex on ~lea- margerine, Rae ~e?id over to the• neat meetiag. dn ldotion ~t wa~ ordered that tha C1rrk be allowsd % an a~eeietant for two l~onth~ st two do].lar~ per day. 5 Fet~ruary 17th, wae th~ last day to receive sugg~s- ' aamee for the nerr 9treet, snd th• Herald-Aecorder w~?s in~trucated to preeant s11•ths name,~ st tLa~ time, and the Cotmoil will et thdt tia~ rs],~at ~ nams. No fux~h~r bu~inaee ~ppeariag and an '~otion the me~ting wae dd~ourued. , - l,, C y r±er. At~e~t, Yl~p~vr~., Mayor. ~ : a , ~ ,'y . ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~