Minutes 1932-02-17 ~oo ~ ~ l~rroyo l3rande, !„a1ilornia, . . ~'ebruary 17th , 188~. Citq .Counoi7, m~~C in regu],ar ~~ss~oa . . with J. L. Wsbb, aating Mayor preeidis~~. . Qn rall aall, Counc~lmen Korgan, Poole, Gibeon arrd koore repvrt~d, preeer~t, Counoilmsx~ Conrad, abeent. tinapproved minutee read ~nd approved e~ read. Under the he~d af oommunicat ione thm new Courity gaqlth aontr~.at wae rmGeived, aad on ~ation the smne waa acce~p~ed auad order~d fil~d. Febru,~ry 17th, being the d+~te fiaed tor ~he naming of the sew Btdts Highwey, the ~lerk rsad the names pxoposed, and after a oanvaga of the namee, and a 3ieou~~ion pf ~he matt~r, 3t wae ordsred that ~he naming o~ tha Street be la~d ovtr tb the rrex~ m~eting liaroh, and, * I~o further bus iness uppearixrg aad on Mot ion ths meet~rg wae~ ad~owcasd. x ._b.. ' ~ • y C1er . Attae~ ,?~yor. ~ ~ ~ , . ~ € E ~ ~ 3 CQ. ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~r~•,° ~y~.~y-~ , ~ - - ~ C~_ . : ~ ~ . ~ . _ . ~ _ _ ~ _ -