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Minutes 1932-04-06
4 ~ ~ H ~ ~ , A'rroyo Grand~; Califoraia, April 6~h, 1952. . Citr Council n~t iA r~~ular •~siie~aa with ~ ~ l[a~or A. A. C~rad, pr~s id ia~, _ Osa roll ca11 Couscil~n Comr+~d, Pools, Gibst~ aad ttoor~ r~port~d, prss~t, C~moilna~ kor~aa abs~nt. ~ ~ ~ Uaappsov~d misut~~ rtad uad appsov~d a~ r~ad. City Cl~rt Ci~y Tr~qrur~r aad Polic» JudQ~ pr~~~at~d r~ports aAd ~h• ~affi~ ws• aco~p~sd and til~d. P111• a~aia~t th~ Q~A~ral lund ia tha auu ot . ~699.84, and Th~ ~st~r luad in th~ •un of ~863.6Q ?as ~allow~d anQ or3~ r~d pa id. In r~~ard to th~ ?,ali~ka appliaa'tioa for wat~r ' th~ whol• matt~r war l~it im th• hand~ ot th• wat~r 8up~riat~adtnt, to ad jiat accordisa to' th~ Ord3~aac». Th• City Cl~rk pr~r~t~d a~~rolut#o~ auth~or~+ isi~~ th• ltayor tad Ci~~ Cl~rk to r~a~w th• not• l.or ~36p.00 with th~ ba~k o! An~rica. ` It wu th~ ord~r ot~ t#~• Couaail that th• Chist ~ of polic~ put a•top t0 'th~ dwnpim~ oi rubbish in th• Cr~~k, aad •~p~oiali~ n~ar tb• Hi~hwar. ~ . 11o furthsr busi~~as app~ar3~~ aad o~ l(otioa~ ~ th• ~n~~ia~ war ad~ours~d,.. ~L I r ~F . At~t~~t, , I~ty~T. - ~