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Minutes 1932-04-20
~ _ ~ ~lrroqo Gra~d~, Califorr~ia~ , ~ ~ , ~ ~ A~ril 30th, 1933. !'ity Co~]n~cil m~t 'pur~wnt to adjournm~nt with A~bb I~oott pre~idin~, On rall call Ccnmcil~~n ltoor~ Pool• c~fbson r~port~d, prtr~nt, Counoilssa ~hillip~s u~d Bri~ao abs~mt. Ths Couaoil proc~sdsci to or;aniz~, Dq th~ Nayor ' appoi~tin~ th• foll~?ing p~rnan~mt coana?itts~s. Ca~am. c~ Finaao~, ribsvn, Phillip~ an3 Prisco. Ce~n~. on 3tr~st~ aad TAwa lsad~, PoQl~, t?rirco aad Phill.ipa. Co~. on Polic~, firs ~ad ~ail, ~ Phillip~, Gibscn asd Pool~. ' Co~un. on ~fat~r „~partm~~t , ' ' , Pool~, Gibsoa ~d Rrisco. ' Al1 appolatiei Otfia~rs w~rs approv~d a~ th~y now •tand. Th~r~ b~in~ ao turth~r busi~s~• to oor.~ b~for~ tbi~ m~stinQ, aiad aa ~~otian th• is ro~;w ad~our~~d. ~ Att~~t ~ Y er . , ~z{,~.,( Y'~; Y!ayor. V _ • ~ Arrayo rrande, Calilormia, ' April 80 th 1938. City Co~cil m~t ia r~~ular ~~~si~a with, ~aqor J. 7P~bb l~oor~, 'pr~~idin~. Oi roll exll Cou~cilm~n, ltoor~, Pool~ a~fl sibson r~port~d, pr~~~at, ^oimoilm~n Phillip~ aad ~ Rrisco, ab~~at. 1.haapprcv~d minut~a r~ad amd approv~d a• r~ad. Yayor J. ~~bb '~oor• ~xpr~~ae~ hir appr~ciatioa fmr th• hoaor th~ Coimcil coai~rr~ upc~a him by sl~atiag him to th• oftia~ of Mayor of th• City of Arroro Gra~id~, - Th~r• bein~ r~o further' bu~ie~sr to oomt b~lor~ th• poard, and on Moticaaa th~ m~~tia` wa• adjoura~d. y • rk . Att~~t, ,:,tiU~"Y~, b~s.yor.