Minutes 1932-05-04 , . ~ _ ~ ~ ~ , r, r'.r b~~.ws' s', ' v i • ICrroyo t3raride, Cdiilorriia, ~Tay 4th, 195~. ~ City Co~noil m~t ia rs~I a~r e~seion with ~ ~ Yayor L. Koor~ pr~sidinQ. ~ On roll cdil - ~ounoilm~n , ~toors,~ ~oe?1~, t3lbson,: Prisoo au~d Phillipe reported present, none ab'ssnt. thiappro~ed minutes read and approvad- ae read. Coa~a~mioation~e r~ad and plaosd oa tile. Harry Qreen oame ti~for~ th~ Couaoil, and ssked who would . pay th~ ps~ing sse~fsmants on th~ property abirt~~n~ o~ th• Cattoir property, and beine taksn ovsr by tb• 8tat~ for Stree~ purpoaer. ' Ynyor ltoore, ~arltuteeraQ to see the Highwap Ea~iYt~er 1tr. - Qibson about the matt~r. On ltoticn duly ~~o~nded th• Citq Clerk wae isistruot~d to .take tih~ matter et th~ delinqua~t taz, 1?#th Att~rA+nr Y. ~k. Fita~sra~~l: _ Th• BtrNrt Comnitt~s was instruated to i~rv~eet t• th• p~eibilitT oi a 3tr~et' light at or a~ar th• P~. : ~tsilr~y orossin~ o~ Ar.idg~ 8treet. l~ille _ agsinet the c3tneral fLmd ~ i,n t~• ~vpm' 0t~ ~ ~476:66 aad th~ ~t~r fwr~d fn th• svn ot~ 4'tb.3? t~~ bills w~r~ dll ~r~d and ord~r~d paid. ~ ~ report ot th• Oiiic~rs ehow~e! ba~lano~s in th~ s~~~rl?1 ftmde, as ~p3,lw?s: ~ ' ~ (3~a~rml. Funcl, ~.z..------------ ~8$0.69 ~a~e= tvnd, 4'T~.68 drs~e ~R~o~ipts, ~8880. a0 , Th~ Pali,o~~.IudQe repor.ts linfs coll~ct+~d i~ ~ht~ suoa ~f ~4~: ~0, 3nd his ahevt tor ~h~ e~mouot doo~a- ni~d th• r~port. 110 turther bu~s3s~s~ appesria~ aad on ~otiori th~ n~~tia~ we€i~,ad~ourn~d. ~ er'k. Att~st • or ~'~'Gv .c~ y