Minutes 1932-06-01 ~o ~ ~ . ~ Arroyo Gsands, Californis, June lat, 1953. City, Counoil met in re~uldr ssaeiou with ~?ayor J.~'. Yoqre, prse3dina. , , On roll oall, CounQ3.lmen Yaore, Pool~, -Qibson and Phtil#~r reported, p~seeat, Cn~t~linsn Aris~o, ab~ent. . Yz. J. Y. 9orea~-o~i ot tti~ t~~~feion ~o! Fif ~twa~s,, s~peared before the ~ Ce~unail a~l a~tsked 't.~r Cotinoi2 Lo ~ pass an Ordinaaoe grastiu~ to ths 3tats o! Galifernia tull voa4trol o! ~cll the hl~way tbdt paes~s throu~A th• nCit~, su~c! read prdiA~aca l~u~?ber 4a, aui Ordi~id~oe ~ran~~a io the ~~ate of Caliroraia ~urisdictioa o~er ~ and ct~ntrol oertain publio 8~rests within t~s Cit~ ' of Asre~p. f~~aards. The Ordinancs --~rde passed first rsadin~ b~ .th~ faI]~tn?ina ~4ts. , . AYe~, C~unciinaa4, ~Koors, Hoole, Gibson, Ph~l~ipe -aa~d 8t~os. xoea, ~ ~?one, . Ab~~t~t, " . ' I~i. T. 0. Tbc~upsoa, o! Oceanos prsssated Kat ga. 18, a 8ubdi~i~ie~a ot a traot o! land withia three nil~e •i this City~ a~nd cm ~~t34~ e~h• san~ *ae appro~ed, aad •ip~~d by th• -Xaror aad att~sted by the Clerk. :~lsims a~ainst the ~erneral lund ia tha •un. ~4~.64 aad a~aiast ths watsr lund in ths s~ o! ~4~9.87, th~ bill~ were ail~wsd and ordar~d paid. . Citp Clerk was instruotad to car~sult ~ths CiZy Attmr~~r in reptrd t4 a~ nuisaaoe Ordi~a~noe, Aiter a disc~asioa ot th• water sys~+~m,' it waa ~rder~d ~?at th~ ~ster Superiateadeat, place a 1 l Ia inoh l~s~~~ . ~ ~n th~ "I~iah 8~ao~. - ? ~o !'urth~z bu~iaess app~ari~?~ ~d oa Itottoa tb• neetia~ was ad ~o~~ei. , - ~ ~ . , _ ~tta~t,~ ~~^~°",c~? t~ayor. . , . ~ _ ~