Minutes 1932-06-15 _ Arroqo Grande, Califoraia . June l6th, 1933 City Counoil met in reQular eeesloa with ltayor J. L. Webb Itoore, presidia~.. , Q~i roll oall, Co~oilmen Yoore, Pools, Gibsa~, 'Phillips and Rrl,~co, reportiuQ present none absemt. t,laappro~ed minutee read and apprc?ved ae ree~d. A cvannuaicat ion iroo the Eursks Fire Hoes CoapaII.y with prioee on oae aad one halt inoh lire boee, ao • aotion wae taken on the eubject. . ~RD2I~l11QCE ~o. 43, Al~ ORDIPAI~C~ GRANTIAQ TO THE ~ STATE OF CALIFORI~IA JUAI3DICTIO~` OVER AND C0~'TROL OF CERTAIN PURLIC $TREETS ~ITHIIi TSE oitq ot ARROYO GRANDE. ' On Itotion ot Pocrle eecoaded by Gibeon the Ordinanoe was adopted ~by the fallo~?ina ?ots. ~ Ayee, Counoiluen Noore, Poole, Gibsom, j Phillips and Arisoo. ~ Boes, Cowrcilmen, Aons. ' Abeent, , None The 4rdinarice wae then sigiisd by the uapor and atteeted by the Clerk of ths City. On ~totion ~he Clerk wna instruct~d to write th~ League ot ltuaiicipalit ies, !or informat ina on ~ •zoninQ, and to prepara an Ordinance Qover~tina . builclia~ reetriotie~ne, and . other soniuQ problea~s. ~ j Om ~totiom duly aeooaded and os~ried,, the water . ~ ratee were chan~ed to re~ad as folIowa: ?iomeetic ratee, first ~50 cu.ft. ~a.00 ; aezL 1100 " 8.00 ' ' e~coese water, ten cente per 100 ot~. it. - Grammar aad High 3ohool, Firat 3000 ou.ft. ~3.00 all water ueed in eaQese o! 3004~u. it.. t ~ ten oents per 100 ciu. ft. ~ ~JOmeetia ratee will dpplq to all irrigatioa M a ~ ratee where 6/8 inoh metsre are used. w~~ f_ v ; ~ Couaoilman Rrieoo, made a~erbal report on . gasslene ratss, and rsoonended that the ~ity snter int~ a ooat=aot with ths Aeeooiated pil Caupany, to ' • purc~baee ~aeolene lro~ the Aseooiated Gonpany at . a mimlum zate of 11-1/a centa per Qallon, ead ~ on~ l~otie~ du:y s~ocadded and carried,Counciltaa~ ' ~ Priaoo wae instruoted to prooure the contract. Ao turtbsr bweiueas appea:ia~ aad on ltotioa _ r~~ m~*t i~a ~ wae ad ~ ourn ed, ~ , e . I att ee t, v~t~h6~v~~'~, Mayor. i . I ~ • " ~ , ~