Minutes 1932-07-20 Arroyo Graada, Calilornia,
~ . July 80th , 1832.
Citq Counoil met in regular seesian
with Webb l~oore Maybr, presiding. '
On roll call all members o! the Co~-
' Qil repor~ed, present.
' tTnapproved minutee read and approved. ~
Communicatione redd ~nd placed oa file. '
' Harry Green representing 4innie Cattoir '
made application !or a reftuid ot the aeeees-
ment oa her property on A.llen 8treet , after
~ a diecuseion the Clerk wae inetructed to take
up the matter again with Mr. Care~.
No further bue ineea appeariag and on ldotion '
the meeting ass ad~oura,ed.
Y e~
Atteet,~J~r'c8~ ~'tiw-~ Napor.
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