Minutes 1932-08-03 ~4 y ~ ~ ~ Xrroyo t3raade, Calilcrnia . AuQuet Srd, ~9Sa. ~ Ci~y Cout~oil m~t i~} r~~ular s~s~ion with Ysfor J. T. Itoor~ pre~idi~rg. 0~? roli aa~i , Covnoilmsn Yoore, Pool~,, Phiilipa and pr~ro~ repo=tedt present,Cotmoilman Gibsoa, sb~a~t. tk~spps~?ad minuta• sssd and npproveeL: se read. Osvsr Eldtidge a~ddreessd the Couacil, and ssl~~ to he~t?e th~ aeeeeseQ ~alue~tio~ cut down on the Oloh~t property,. ne be wae repreeentin~ the Clahan es~a1~~. _ Yrs. F. w. Jo~es addres$ed th~ C~~acil on th~ eub jaoj ot s emall part at ths triaagt~lar sso~ti~ e~~ the ~jumction o~ th• Btate High*a7 and prid~e Btra~t. - 8.'C. A~ocids t~iked on the rsductioa of tasfa, also •pok~ oi doiag tbe Citp work on tbs 3an Luis Aoed, as. j th• said road will ha~e to ba rais~ a~c~,i~ three t~et. I~ t~n tha n?b~eQt ot tauc r~diiotiou tb• Couaoil tihrov~h ~ ~s ~r . a~ade th• state~ne~t thet th• Co~c?oil w~uld • eois~~s~t'11 elaims at th• reg~lar meert in~ ot th• Ao~rd ~ eos ot Equs~iaa~t 3oa , vnn Noaaar th• 8th. E dA ~totiasi oi Pools e~oonded by Philllps it was ordsr~d r to ba~re ths 8upsrv3sor, do th~ nec~assrjr work ~ th~ Ba~ Luir ~osd, ead Qharge ths sams t• ths ~i~~. , Itr. Jt~ha~on oi ~~~~stern AQdition asked to ha~~ saH gra~e~ put cm t~`' ~ett Street. fn rsgard ~6? ~ri. J~ss reqt~s~ th~ City ~lsrk wss instrna~.~ to ~1~. up ~itnwsp ~ttic~ at esa Luis OtSia~ro, ~uru! tind out ~hat attftude th~ Highway tl~~ari~n would take about tbt matter Ths gra~+eliuaa ot Raraett Btreet w~~ l~tt in th• haud• ~x. oi th• 8ts~~t conmittes Aill• aga3ast th• ~en~ral ttma 3~ ths du~ ot ~l3~~.aT ~ and tD~ water fund in ths eun of ~8a4.44 was rfad and ~a. ltot ion w~s ord srsd paid. ` R~ports ot eit~? otiioials showi~n~ a assb bslamo~ iri ' ~ th• ~e~neral fund in tbe se~ oi~10?6.~4, asd tb~~ i watss fund in Lhe ~wn o! ~138d. ~.0 Uo report lrom th• Fo~ice Jud~s. lAo furthsr buainose appeasin~ nnd ~ra ~ot3az th• m~~tiiuQ was ad~ourned. ~ ~I . ~ Atteat, ~r ~v~, Itaror. ~ ~ . ~ r ~ ,