Minutes 1932-08-08 15 ~ ![rroyo Grande,, Cglitoraia, ~ August 8th, 193a. ' ' i Citq Coulcil met ae a Foard of Equalizatior~, ~ with Mayor J. 1~. Mooze preeidiag. ; Oa~ soll call, C~waailmea Yoore, Phillipe and Friecc, reported, presen•t,, Couacilmen ~Poole axrd ~ Gibec~, absent. Ths C~auaoilmen prooeeded to examine the aseesa- me~t roll, and as th~re wae no proteets , an~d ou l~ction oa Phillips and seconded tiy Arira~oo th• mee~t irig wae atd ~ ourn ed to Fr iday,. August 1~5~, at ~ 8 Oclock, P.Y. ~ ~ , ~r ~ Y er • Iktteet,,`~[~-61M~c~ Kayor. Arroyo Grande, Californ~ia, Auguet 13, 1933. ae a Roard oS equalizatfoa City Counail m~t pureuant to ad~ourament, with ~ 3~apor J. 1~. l~oors presidimg. ' Oa: rcll oall Courr~ilmenl~ocrre, Pools, Phillipe and - ~ Rrieoo, reported prssent, Council Gibson, abeent. The City Clerk present~d a~tabl• o! 1Csseesmente from l~ater Alley weet to tbe Kethodiet Church, reducing , the valuation frew ~~0.00 the fromt toot to ~30.00 the front foot, ~fter a diaauesion ot the merits of tha - ohange, and am Mcrtiom of Pov~ls seooa~dsd by Phillipe, - the valuation ot property on Rranch Street,, between- water A~leq to the N~thodiet Church, wae fi~ced at thirty dollars the lroa~ toet. _ .On turther ~rueiaees appdariag the meeting wae ad~o- urned to ~ledneedr~p Augwst 3rd, at 8 Oclook P.lt. q y t, e r Atteet, l~ Kayor. ~ Arroyo Grands, Calitornia, Auguet Srd, 1938. ~ C'itq Cou~~il met pureuant to ad jourament as a Poard of Equalizatioa, with Mayor ~szi~ J. W. ltoore, preeidin~ ~ On roli call Cotbr~cilmen, Yoo~re, Poole,, Phillipe aad Ptisoo~ reported, preaen-~, Co~cilman Gibeon, abae~t. James Orman mad e applicatio n tor a reduct ion ot his ' valuatioa~ and after a diacuseio~n of ths merit~ o! th• caee the requsst wae ratused. Ou ktotion oi Poo~le aeoonded by Phillipe, the taz rat~ wae lixed the eame as last qear, ~1.80, { One ' do118?r and Eig~ty Ce~te ) on ths o~me hundr~d dvilare ot val~at iom. There being no further busin~se to o~e b•iore ~ the mseting amd on Motioa ths meeti~g wae a~d~ovarnrd. . y er . Atteet, Mapor. 1 I ?