Minutes 1932-08-12 15
/[rroyo Grande,, C31ilornia,
, Auguet 8th, 1.938.
City Council met ae a Foard ot Equalizatic~,
with ~Tayor J. A. I~ooie preeidiag.
On soll call, Counoilmen Yoore, Phillipe and
~rieco, reported, present,, Counoilmsn Poale and ~
Gibecan, abaent.
The C~uncilmen prooeedad to exa~ine the aesmag-
ment roll, and as there wae no proteets , anfl an ~
l~otion o~ Phfilipe and seoonded tiq Ar~a~ao ths
mee~ttug wae ad~ourned to Fridaq,, Augus~ 1~~, a~
~ 8 Oalock, P.Y. ,
y er .
~kt t e et ,~J!-~6 ~ c~,/~. Kay or. {
Arroqo Grande, Cdlifora~ia,
Auguet 13, 198a.
as a Roard o! equalizatfon
Citq Council met pureuant to ad~ourament, with
I~aqor J. 1P. 1~oore preaidimg.
` Oa: roll asll Coimrcilmenl~oc~re, Poole, Phiilipe and
- Rrisoo, reported present, Coua.oil Gibson, absent.
The Citp Clerk preeeated a~table o! ICssb~esmsate
from lfatar Alley weet to the ?tethodiet Churoh, redu~cing
, the valuation frs~n ~~0.00 ths troat root to ~30.00 the
front foot, after a diecuesion ot the merits of ths
~ change, and am Matiom of Poorls secoa~ded by Phillipe,
the valuatio~ o! property oA Rraach Street,, between•
water Alley to the Nethodiat Churah, wae fixed at thirtg
dollars the Srom.t too~t.
_ .On further ~,ieinees appdari=rg the meeting wae ad jo-
urned to wedneeda~y Auguet 3rd, at 8 Oolook P.l~.
y e r'F:
Atteat,~~~ Kayor.
~ Arroyo Grands, California,
Auguet 3rd, 1933.
~ C"ity Coim~oil met pureuant to ad journment as a Poard
of Equaliza~io~, ~?ith Mayor IszYac~c J. W. lToore, pr~eidir~
On roll oall Cosbnailmen, Yooze, Poole,, Phillipe and
~rieoo~ reported, preeerrt, Counotlman Gibeon, abaeat.
James Orman mad e applioatio n tor a reduct ion oS his
' valuation~ and alter a diaoussiaaa of the merite o! th•
case the request was relused.
Oaa ~totion oi Poo~le eeoonded by Phillipe, the taz
rate waa ti~ced the eame ae last qear, ~1.80, f One
dollar and Eig~ty Ceota ) on the o~e h~dr~d dvilara of
valuat iom.
There beiug no turther businsee to ec~ae before
the meeting amd on Mot ion~ the meat i.~mg wae ad~ ovornrd.
~ q er .
Atteet, Mayor.