Minutes 1932-09-07 1Crroy o Grarrde, Cal iforn ia~,
° ° 8eptember Tth, 193a.
t`ity Council a~et in regular eession 'with
Mayor J. 1~. Kaare pree id iag.
" On ra21 call, Goun cilmen YoQre, Poole, and
Gibeon reported preaent, Cer~ilmen Phillips
' arrd Fr ie co, abe ent .
° Cc~mmj,niastioYrs read aad plaQed on file.
pille againat the General ~und in the'sum of
~64p.64,, and the WateT fund 3n the eum Of ~384'.36,
the bille wera allc~?ed and ordered paid.
' City Clerk and Treaeurer rendsred reporte ot the
currer,t zrvnth, showing a balance in the Ge~eral fvad
of ~+~6~.27, and in the water ~und a balance o!
' ~~6 $6.69, ' '
The Poliee Judge, reporte two caeee, in hie~
Court, ~vith fin~s coliectsd of ~80.QQ,
' The City Clerk preeented a finaneial statemant
of the Ctatq, for the year emding 1~aq iat, 393a.
the varioue reporte were aeeepted and plso~d oa file„
(hi ~totion it wae ordered to grade and gravel Rarnett
Street, aleo SLanley Avenue as far ae the High '
School barns. ~ ~
On ~~oticn duly eeco~ded and cgrried it was ordsred ~
to disao~tiuue the Aater g~eretary'e 3alary, aleo ,
th. Chiaf of Polioe, the eame to take etfect Oetober
'liret, the eame to be temporary.
On Not ioa~ it wae orde red that the Mayor take up the I
matter of planting treee along the Highway, with the
State H3ghwaq office at San Luie Obiepo.
Metion by Poole eeeoanded bq Gibeotl, it wae ordered
that the Citq Clerk order the neeeaerarp aast iro~
pipe to teplaee the wooden line, beginmirig at Leedham
Lane, and co~tinumig to Allen 3tremt, then alcng
nllen 3treet to Kaeon 8treet, then alo~ g Waeon 8treet
to the Maeon 3treet bridge.
No turther businese appearing and on l~otion
the meetiag wae ad~ourn~d.
y er .
A t t e s t,~/'~l~Ltr-ff~~.ltap or.