Minutes 1932-09-21
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Arro*o Qrande, Caliiosnier, ,
~ september 81st, 1933.
~itq ,Counc32 met ia rsgular seeeiaai with
kayor J. T. Yoore presidimg.
On roll cnll, Cdvaailmen ~ioor~, Poo1t, Qibson
Pbillips nnd Rri~vo reported, pressn~ l~cne ab~~at.
Unapproved minu~es iead ~ad approved a• resd.
Communaieaticass wsre read and placM oa file.
~ Yrr. Ol• Gullivlceon pr~~ented a p~titio~ sigasd
by d large number or citizeris, petitia~is~ tor an
'offiaer to asei~#~ the ~chool Chi~dren ~arose the
° Hi~way st ths arammsr 3ahool. The ~rayor told Yr~.
t~uliio~eoa th• Couaai3, would aot on the petitiee? lat~r. ,
Aills a6ainet tht Gsnsrsl ltiad in th~ eu~a of ,
~39. Sb, th~ bille wsre all 4red and ord,er~d ps~d.
On ltotion of Arisao seconded bq Poole~, ~t wa~ ~
ordsred tha~ nll dsliaqusnt wat~r bill• T~e rflermd .
to th~ Counail at the eeeond msetfn~ o! th• I~cmth.
~ City Clerk made applioatioa for~ a naw d~si~ in h~~
` oifioe, the ~e~ma *as a1loRed.
No turther bueinese dppeariag aad aa~ ~dotion th•
~~sting ~ s a~d jouraad.
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Attest,(~V Me~por. ,
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