Minutes 1932-10-19 ~~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ArrOyO Qra~nde, C811SOrII1t~ ~ Ootober,~th, 19Sa. , \ Citq Co~oil met in regular eess~icei with Yayor J. Yoare pre~iding. Qa roll call dl.~ membere o~ the Covnoil rsported, pre~ntt. ' Vnapproved a~i,uuutes rsad and approved ae r~ad. ~ Con~aaunioations frc~u the wat~r perourcee ni!!'~sie~ r~lating tc ths application of th/~oi Ssn Lui~ for water trom the Lopoa Creek. • ~ ' Alao ~ commtfiioaticn irc~an J~nmie J. 11'hitlook, Fre~id~ut oi the Parrent-Teaohera Aeeociation, thankin~ ~b• Counoi~l ~ for retainin~ an Ofliosr at th~ c3rs~mar Sahodr,~, crosaia~. Oti 1t@tion of Poo~le ~eooaded by Q3beoa it waa ~h• ord~r of the Couacil, to ha~e the shaul,c~ars o! the higbwar~ around try the High 8vhool oilsd aad graveled. , Tn• Clmrk wae 'ia~truoted to wrlta ths 8tats ~at~r c~i~sima ~tor ble~rke with ~hioh to ~~s prot~sts aga;ir~~# f~h~ appllvat~oA oi 6an Lui~ Obirpo, f~ water in th• Lopez Ca~?on-. . No turthei bue i~ees appearing and on ltart iom the mes~ ing. wa~ a~d~ ourned. , . ~ . Attest, Vv 'c~o , i~ayor. ~