Minutes 1932-11-02 21
Arroyc Grande, California,
. November and, 1832.
City Counail met in regular seeeion with
l~ayor J. W. Noose, preai3ing. .
On roll oa11, All membera of the Counoil reported, preeent.
trn~pproved minutee read and approved ae read.
A Commu~ ioatfon from the League of CalilQrn ia
M~icipalitisa, aekirrg the support ot the CoLmcil
on_Amettdment No. 4.
Reporte of the City Clerk, City Treasurer and the
Cit Judge, ehowing_.a caeh balance in the c3ensral fund
c+f ~383.44, and the water furtd of ~925.46, The Po~ice
JudBe reports 4 ea~~e ~?ith tinee totalimg ~~0.00
the reporte ~era aa~epted and plaloed on f ils.
Warraurta •aga3net the ~eneral fund in the eum
of ~8t31.90, and the Water fund in the aum of ~a39.a2,
wae read artd ordered paid. . ~
The m3nimum of 1~re. Kirkpa~tri~k wae plaaed at ~J:.pQ
per mo~th for water. .
No further busineae appearing and o n~(otion the
meeting wae adlourned.
Atteet,~ n~Mayor. Y erc.