Minutes 1932-12-07 ~3 l~rroyo Grande, California, Deaember 7th, 1932. City Council met in regular eeaeion wath acting ~aqor W. C. Poole prediding. On roll eall, Couneilmen Poole, Gibeon, Phillips and Rrisco, reported preeent, N~yor , J. W. ldoore, abeent. ~ ~ Unapproved minutae read and approved as read. A Comm~icatiari from the League of CaliPornia ' b!unia~palit iee, read and plaoed on Pi: e: A Reaolution pr'eeented by ths League of Cali.- fornia Munieipalitiee , de~}ling with the Gaeolene tax, was read and Aae paeeed by the foll owing vote. ' Ayee, Couneilmen Poole, Gibeon, Phillips and RrieQO, I~oee, Couanailmen None, absent 7~aqor Moore. , Rille against th~ r~eneral fung in Lhe au~ ' of ~448.57, and the water iund in the eu~ of ~1813.75, the billa were all a?ed and ordered paid. On Motion it wa~ ordered that ~?e tranefer ' eulf3cient t'tuZde fr~m the Groee peceipte, to the , water fund, to pay for th• new cast iron pipe ~ line, the eam~ to be returned to the Grose neoeiptm, ~.e sovn as eonvenient 1ry the water Pepartment. On recomendation of Coe~eilman Poole,and on Motion it wae order3'd that the Citp purahaae the gae tank and pusp, from the T1nion Oil Cc~pany, , Por the ~um of ~35.OQ, the eame being a eecond hand out-fi~, formerly purehaeed by 1~;. 3anford. No further businees appearing and on ~!otion the meeting wae adlourried. ~ ~ q ~Ter~T`c. Attedt, 4/~~ l~~?~aqor.