Minutes 1932-12-17 . . . . . . . . . . ~ i.
~ ~
~ l~rroqo Grdnds, Californie., + ~ ,
~ Deaembe~~,. .193?a
Gity Cotmcil met in regular seseion wfth
Msyor J. A.' Moore, presidi~g. ~ ,
On roll Qall, ,all membere o! th• CBUnoil
report~, pr~eent. .
Unapproved minutes re~sd and approved as read.
a Commun~iaation ~rom th~ 8amt~ Yaria t3as Co~npaa~,
with a bid !or new p~mpimg sy~tem, the bid and aomm-
I _ un~cation waa plaoed on file.
An applice~tion wae receivsd irom Jo• 8art~tos, !or
' s Lics~ase to eell beer,the application was plaaed on
F. L. A~ooks, s~speared before the Cotmoil awd
' stated tbe we~t e~ had been ehut off hie res idsnoe, .
and claimed that favorite~sm had been ueed, ds th~rs
wer• othere ae !ar ia arrear~ ior watmr~se hs was, he
al~o oo~ple.iried he did r?ot have a oha~r~cs to worY tm th•
' aew water line. '
8uperintendent Ewisig wae asked i! Yr. Arook• ha~d ,
asked for wor;, dnd l~r. Lwing etatad that he had not.
The Cl~rk wae inetruoted to have oards printed, fo
delinqusnt we~ter users oouid bs notified as to tb~ir
'aQ0<?U~it~. .
~o rurthsr busiaess appearlag saQ o~n ~o~iom
the meet ing was ad~ourned.
\ • y ~r . .
' Atte~t, 1~r-w~,, Nayor.
. ~
i '