Minutes 1933-01-04 t.. A~. ~ Arroyo Grande, C~lito•rnia, . Janua.rq 4tha 1933. , City Council met in regular eessi~n with J. W. Noore, ]~ayor preaiding. On roll call ~11 members of the Counail rsported pr~iae~t. , T?napproved mtnutes read and approved as read. A oc7~cmunication from the Lea~ue of California ?4~unioip$lities, aaking the CounciT to pasa a resolutian for the equitqble distribution of the g~eoline tax. peports irom the !'itq Clerk, +~nd the Police Judge were read by the Clerk an~3 the ss~me a?er~ ord ered filed by the Mayor. ~-Ri1Te" ~~ai~rst the ,enera2 fimd in ths sum~ ~ of ~`4~8.70, an~ the water fund in the ~um oP ~194.71, were rdad allo~?ed an~. or3ered paid. pESOL11TT01~ A ~eeolution of the rity oi Arr~yo Gr~nde, reQOmending a more equitable d,iatribution of the g~eoline tax, ~a~a read r~nd paseed by the fo- lloa?ing vot~. Ayes; ~!oore, Poole, ^?ibeon Phillipe and Prieco, :Ooee, Nvne, Abaent, None. No further bu~ineee appmaring and oa Motion , th~ meeting qae a~journed. `r c?ity"'~~~er c~fi'. Attest, ~r~ ~'In~v-~~Mayor.