Minutes 1933-02-01 27 Arroycr Grande, Cal if+~rn3a, ' ' F'~eYsru~rq let, 1933. ^ity Ca~cil met in regular ~eese~on with J. 9P. 3~oa~re, 6~ayor preaidi~g. ttnapproved minutee 'read and a?pproved as read. Communications from Oeo~r Eldridge and the Loe Angelee League of }~unioipalit~~e, wae read . and plaaed on f ile. Repcrts from th e Clerk and Treas urer wore ' rea3 showing balances ~n the Geaeral and the water funde ae foll A?.; Gen.Fund, ~381,33 axrd the ~vater fund,, ~1112.27, The PoliQ~ Judg• reporta two caeee in his Cburt, an~ turned in to the Tr~eury ~SO.OQ. the reporte were aocepted and ordered filed. Counoilman Frieoe wa8 appQinted by tht Cotacil to inveatigate battetq comditione an~ fire Truak, ' ae tWO timee a month seema toa often to havm battery charged. Ri1Te againet the C~eneral fuad in the ~~n of ~51b.93 and the water fund in the suom of ~a?~9.77 the tiille were all Ar~d and ordsred paid. yClerk wae in~tructed to~ re-ineure 3trmet Sup4 an8 ~ar• Paul Ralph appeared before the Counoil and made applioation for ~ drain aoross Rranoh Street, near the lAathodiat Churah, ~nd on l~otion th• Street 8upt. Wae ina~ructed to~ attend to it at omas. ~ . The mattar o-~ dumping rubt3ieh on vaca~rt Loto and the Creek ~va~ di~QUeesd at $ome le:rgth, ~and ~~art ion of Poole seaonded by Gibean, that 1~r. Ewing ' be deputize~ as Peputq Con~table, so ae to have authoritq to entorce the law, rsgarding tht ~ vio~:atioa ot the law~ the Motion paaesd and Ra~e ' a¢opted. ~ Ido lurther bueinees appearing and om ' Mot io~ the me~t ing wae ad~.ouru~d. ~ . , , , ' Aletta Faldwia. ~eputy ~ ~a r . A t t~ et ,~,A~_~ ltayor.