Minutes 1933-02-15 28 ~
JKrroyo Gr~nd~, Calitornia,
~ ~ Februdry 16th, 1935~
Citq !`ownCil met in regular' ~~~eiem
with Mayor J. X. Moore preeiding.
On roll oall ~tll m~mbers oi ths CounQil
repo+rted pre~alt.
Llnapproved m3n~tee read and approv~d se raad.
Commu~ 3a.at ions wer• r~cs ived as tol la~?~:
1 from Geo Headriac, for permiseioa to sell
~ ' light wi~Ies aYrd beer.
iroaE. E. Hansbn , Couaitq H~aith Off ieer
dak i~g ths Couneil to havs s ign~ pain-t~ at
the enda of Rtidge ' 8treet gridge, to •top
du~piag rubbish in th• Crsek.
trom thr nivision oi Hi.ghwsys, acka~wl~elgiAg
r~ae3pt o! l.tter lrom ths City Cl~rk, ia r~g~trd
to water •ts~dimg at Poole Stre~t is~ttrs~otio~
lrom ths ~ei~~l sagine C~pemy, +~cknowl-
. edging 1~quiri~• as to Dei~~l en~in~~.
On gqtioa it was ordsr~d~that the Clerk writs
' ' ths D~is~l F~opl~, f~r a~ors i~t8rmatiom in
' regard to n~isel sngine~.
On ltotio~ it was ord~rmd that th• Citr
~Clerk~hav~ the signs paiat~s! as asked far by
Cotaity 8anitary In~p~otbr.
M~e~r~ Rsmeh~l and Rai~~r 4f th~ 8a~a
~ l~dria ~3ns Ce~pany addres~ad ` tbe Couddtat~ ~
the sub~~at of~ natural gas tor pumpimg pow~s,,
' and made ~ t~~tativ~ ofifr to i~stall a plaat.
It wa~ th• ord~r o! th? Co~oia ~h~t
~ tht wate= 8up•riatenda~t, proQ~~d to t~
oo~llsotiv~ of th~ delinqueat wa~~r bill~.
l~o lurther bueiaess appear~ag su~d oa
mot ioa th• msst i:rg ~as ad ~ ou~ ed:
~ ~
, ~
~ .
A tt e~t , ~'v ~r
v-1n?~+~, ~taror. ~
~ I