Minutes 1933-03-01 /~rroyo~ Grande, California, ]~!arch let, 1933. City Co~cil met in regular eession with Kayor J. ~!oore preeidin~g. . thi roll aall, CovrraiTmen Moare, Poc~2e , Ph ilIips, Gibeon and Rrieoo. LTnapproved minutes read and apprt~ved as resd. ~ Comm~ icdt ione read arid tii ed.• On l~a~t ion it wae ordered that the 3treet Supt. order a car ~oad of gravsl'. , , Reports o! City Clerk wae resd ehowing caeh balances ae followe, General fund, ~k946.61 and the water fund the sum of ~1462.17, no report 6rom the Police Judge ~ 1~ot ion it wae ordered that the City Clerk hire a deputy, for tha taa period. Aills againet the General fund in the eu~n of , ~417.50 an~ the aa~ter Purn! i~ the eum of 1?9.24. the bi114 were s114?ad and ordered paid. ' No furth er bue inege sppear ing and on Mart io:r the meeting wse ad~aurned. ~ , C y ~ er l . Atteet, IM.u~~~ayor. ~ ' ~