Minutes 1933-03-15
~o ~
' J~rroyc~~ 3rand~, Calfioraia.
uerch 1Sth, 19SS~.
City Council met in rsgular eseeior~ with
ltayor J. Yrcrss; presiding. ~ ~
On~roll csll, Covmoilm~n l~oore, Poole, Gibeon,
Ph illipe and Prieao, reported present,
nbae abeent.
Unapprovad mint~tee read a~ad approved ae rssd.
Co~un ications read dnd placed on iiTe.
l~r. E. Sahultz ot th~ V~t~rans coloay,
appeared before the C~uncil, and made application
tor writer., the Counoil took the mdtter
undsr advi~em~nt.
ORL)Iff~ANCE No. 4fi, nn Ord inanoe ot th e C ity oi
Arroyo Grande, regulati~ag the opening, conducting
and aarrq ing on of publia daao~s, public dan os
hdlle, and danoing olubs in the ~itq ot
Arroyo Grand e,
~ ~ The Ordin~noe wse adopted bq the iq114?i~?~ vo~,e. ~
Ayme, Cou~Qila:en Yoore, Poole, Gibeon, P3~illipe
nad Rrieoo.
Nos~, Cou~ailmen Nons,
Abeent, Counoilm~n Non~.
IC oommittse o~ plumber~a ot the Citp npped~rad beiore th•
~ouacil and aeked for legiel~tica for t~~ liv~neing oi
initerent plumbere and electria wiring, and ths Cl~rk
wa~ inatruoted to procure a copy o! th• 3antn l~sria
Orcti~ance on plumbiag,
l~o turther buainese appearisrg and o~ Moticu
th e me e t in g Aa ~s a~d ~ ourn ed , .
q~~,~0~1 y er .
A t t e e t,!^~ c~6 r'~I~f'v>'L, Iday or.